The Gold Standard of Compliance
The certified logos indicate adherence to the SATA specification and are intended for use on the product packaging, Web site, marketing, or collateral for a product that has passed Interoperability Testing. Devices on the Integrators List have undergone extensive testing for specification compliance, thereby assuring a high level of interoperability with other certified devices.
The addition of the certified logo to this process provides another level of awareness of SATA technology within the industry and enables manufacturers to quickly and easily identify SATA certified products.
Who is eligible to use the certified logos?
The certified logo is a SATA-IO Member-only benefit. Any member product that has passed Interoperability Testing, either through a Test Lab or at an Interop Workshop, and has been listed on the Integrators List can use the certified logos.
How to receive the certified logos:
1. Once your product has passed Interoperability Testing and is listed on the Integrators List, you will receive an email from SATA-IO announcing that your product has passed.
2. Your company must sign the certified logo License Agreement, which will be provided by SATA-IO.
3. Once the signed agreement has been received by SATA-IO, and SATA-IO has verified that your products are on the Integrators List, the certified logos will be sent to you.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact